Megan Charles
1 min readJan 29, 2020

Yeah. My mother is a covert narcissist, so she used gaslighting as part of her abuse. She liked to use terms like “I didn’t say that” or “you’re overreacting” or “you’re being too sensitive” when I’d react to some horrible or embarrassing thing she’d say. And if she was ever caught in a lie, cornered with undeniable proof of it, she’d still somehow shift blame back onto her victims. She and my golden child prince of a brother would also attempt to discredit me by saying things to people I knew like, “we’re not as bad as she says,” with a humorous chuckle after.

Megan Charles

Technophobe Who Codes | Writer | “Egalitarian”-Feminist (redundant, I know) | True-Crime/Forensics Enthusiast